Summer day jueju poem;;夏日绝句
The seven-character poem of four linesThe mountains shed the beautiful shadows with the sound of riv。
绝句 杜甫 江碧鸟逾白,山青花欲燃.今春看又过,何日是归年.〖译文〗 江水碧绿水鸟的白翎显得更加洁白,山峰青翠映衬得花儿象燃烧的火一样红.今年的春。
The old days in sunsetThe most wonderful time I first recollected,was the old days in sunset,so peac。
关于中秋节的五言绝句有: 【1】People on every occasion, especially on Mid-Autumn festival particularly bright. 【2】。
metrical pattern (poetry)=近体(诗)在中国,近体诗,此说始于明;相对古体诗而言;句数、字数、平仄、押韵等有严格规定大致分3种:绝句(4句)、律诗(8句。
《 screen rhyme 》Don DuMuScreen zhou-fang painting fine waist,old long gathering of color half pin.Le。
槛外长江空自流. 翻译: 高高的滕王阁靠着江边,佩玉发响、鸾停止歌舞.画栋早晨飞上了南浦的云,珠帘黄昏卷入了西山的雨.闲云的影子映在潭中,时日长远。
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